Analysis Report

Analysis Report

The Middle East Analysis Report is a detailed analysis of a specific issue in the Middle East by a Middle East Research Institute researcher or an outside author.

No.R17-09  2017/12/27
Repercussions of President Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital On December 6, U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Arab and Muslim nations, as well as the rest of the international community, were surprised by the announcement and are urging Trump to rescind his decision. There are concerns that the declaration by the U.S. could become a new source of instability in the Middle East. While the repercussions of President Trump’s decision will likely last through 2018, we have prepared a summary of the situation as of the end of December 2017.
No.R17-06  2017/12/19
Outlook for the 2018 Egyptian Presidential Election In Egypt, a presidential election is scheduled to be held around the middle of 2018. While three people have announced their candidacy, President Sisi has not made his intentions clear so far. Egyptian popular dissatisfaction with the government has grown due to recent price increases. If Sisi runs, however, his victory is predicted to be virtually certain. Please find below an analysis report prepared by Misa Kanaya, our research fellow, on reasons behind such a prediction and the risks inherent in the current administration’s approach to governance.
No.R17-02  2017/06/30
Syrian people’s view of the current situation The protracted fighting in Syria has resulted in a mass exodus of Syrian civilians, fleeing the country as migrants and refugees, and has led to a decline in the standard of living and a rise in poverty among the remaining population. Yet there are very few objective and academically reliable sources of information on how people are actually living their lives, and how they view the current situation. Recently, the results of a public opinion survey conducted through a Syrian research organization were published. The survey was part of “An Empirical Study of the Political System and Its Change in the Middle East by Means of Public Opinion Surveys,” a project funded through the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 2015–2018 (Basic Research Program (B) 15H03132) provided by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Please find below an analysis report on these results prepared by Yutaka Takaoka, our senior researcher.